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发布时间: 2018-09-11 07:59:58- 浏览量: (0次) - 回复: (0个)
2019第17届上海国际礼品、赠品及家居用品展览会(上海礼品展时间地址主办单位展位费用) 2019 Shanghai International Gifts & Home Products Expo 时间:2019年7月10-12日 地点:上海新国际博览中心 SNIEC-N1/N2/N3(上海市龙阳路2345号) 规模:40000平方米 展位:2000个 参展商:1200家 观众:60000人 批准单位: 上海市商务委员会 主办单位: 上海雅辉展览有限公司 拓展华东礼品市场—中国华东地区领先的礼品、促销品、家居用品展 上海--世界的“东方明珠”,作为中国大的经济、文化、金融中心,也是国际著名的时尚之都,在中国的经济发展中具有极其重要的地位,2010 年世博会的成功召开与2013年自由贸易试验区的挂牌成立更使上海的经济、文化及科技又上一个台阶。在上海国际金融中心建设及上海自由贸易试验区联动发展的大环境下,以上海为中心的长三角地区,是中国经济的中心发展区域,这地区的礼品市场蕴含着巨大的商机和不可限量的发展前景。 长三角洲是我国目前经济发展速度快经济总量均规模大、具有发展潜力的区域,中国大经济区,亚太地区重要国际门户、全球重要的先进制造业基地,在“长三角经济圈”聚集着近百个工业产值超过100亿元的产业园区;世界500强企业有近400多家在此落户;利用外资总值超过1500亿美元,其中200多家投资在上海,81家投资在苏州。长三角包括上海市、江苏省和浙江省,长江三角洲经济圈是全国大的经济圈,其经济总量相当于全国GDP的20%,且年增长率远高于全国平均水平。 看趋势、找新品、觅商机、会商友 欢迎参加2019第17届上海国际礼品、赠品及家居用品展览会(简称:上海礼品展),上海礼品展根植上海,辐射华东,整合优势资源,深挖市场需求,成功打造中国华东地区领先的礼品、促销品、家居用品展。 2019上海礼品展将汇聚礼品、促销品、会议礼品、福利及商务礼品、工艺品、家居用品等众多品类的供应商及制造商,为来自华东多个省份的近60000名来自礼品公司、批发商、零售商的专业观众和买家提供观摩样品、洽谈合作的高效平台。展会为江浙沪及周边地区的礼品渠道批发商、经销商、传统零售商、网络分销商及企业客户提供来自全国乃至海外、且经过市场选择的产品及品牌,有效协助买家捕捉潮流趋势,汲取灵感,规划品线,寻找优秀品牌、创意设计、实力工厂及优质供应商,建立联系、发展合作和定制采购。 【上海新国际博览中心简介】 上海新国际博览中心(SNIEC)位于上海浦东,SNIEC拥有17个单层无柱式展厅,室内展览面积200,000平方米,室外展览面积100,000平方米, 每年举办约80余场知名展览会, 吸引300余万名海内外客商。凭借其先进而实用的展馆设施,以及专业的服务品质,已成为促进国内外经济往来的重大国际展会平台。 展品范围: ■ 工艺礼品 ■ 促销广告类/低价定制促销品 ■ 电子(消费电子、可穿戴产品)、小家电及数码产品 ■ 杯壶 ■ 厨具 ■ 文具及文化用品 ■ 家庭用品(伞、餐厨、家居、服装、毛巾、户外、玩具、母婴、汽车用品) ■ 智能科技类礼品(智能手环、智能扫地机、智能穿戴、智能眼镜、智能台灯) ■ 家居用品(家居日用及装饰品、收纳用品、家装用品、软装饰品) ■ 箱包、皮具 ■ 五金工具类 ■ 生活电器、厨房电器 ■ 健康食品、节令食品 ■ 家纺 ■ 运动及休闲旅游用品、旅游纪念品 ■ 品牌产品 ■ 收藏品 ■ 赠品类 ■ 服装定制类 ■ 钟表 ■ 陶瓷、水晶及玻璃制品 ■ 珠宝及时尚饰品 ■ 包装及纸制品 ■ 新奇特礼品、原创创意类 ■ 动漫授权、卡通玩具 上届观众情况及目标采购商 2018第十六届上海国际礼品、赠品及家居用品展览会已于2018年7月10-12日成功举办。3万平米的展出面积,汇聚了37500名专业观众,共有来自20个国家和地区的886个礼品家居用品品牌参展,吸引了海内外241家媒体、63名中外记者现场报道。以“全渠道、全资源、全模式”为办展理念,为所有参与者搭建起了交流、协作的商贸平台!从上届买家到会数据来看,参观人数达到37500人,专业买家达15000多名。其中中国观众占70%,外国占30%,其中礼品公司、制造商、供应商、进出口商、批发商、代理商、零售商占比43.26%;策划公司,银行、保险、证券、跨国公司、集团、广告公司,创意设计公司占比15.52%,百货商场、超市、专柜、精品店、加盟连锁店、礼品商店占比12.21%;网上商城、网络分销、采购办事处占比11.00%;产品设计师、高端消费人群占比9.20%,外国驻华使馆商贸处、地方旅游局及风景区采购商、各大星级酒店采购商、别墅等高档物业及房地产商等、上海各大私人俱乐部、高级会所、个性餐厅、个性门店等占比7.56%。其中,VIP特邀贵宾、参观展会的部分公司终端客户的专业VIP买家的到来,让前来参展的礼品定制供应商们,收获了拓展大客户订单合作的商机。 在这里您可以接触到以下人群 * 礼品公司,策划公司,广告公司,创意设计公司(以华东地区为主) * 代理商,经销商,批发商,零售商(以华东地区为主) * 百货商场、超市、专柜、精品店、加盟连锁店 * 网上商城、网络分销 * 产品设计师、高端消费人群 * 各大星级酒店采购商、别墅等高档物业及房地产商等 * 上海各大私人俱乐部、高级会所、个性餐厅、个性门店等 * 使领馆人员、国内外收藏家 * 国内各地方旅游局及风景区采购商 * 银行、保险、证券、装饰公司、跨国公司、集团公司、医院、汽车4S店等 * 参观展会的部分公司终端客户 中国银行,上海大众,佳能,中国移动通信,中国电信,浦发银行,可口可乐,中国建设银行,IBM, 麦当劳,宝马,LG,中粮集团,柯达,本田,松下,惠普,中国工商银行,三菱,国美电器,苏宁,京东,沃尔玛,亚马逊等 展位价格: 【展位价格】 标改展位: 12平方米豪华展位人民币17000元/个(12平方米) 12平方米标准展位人民币13000元/个(12平方米) 豪华展位: A 区 豪华展位人民币12800元/个(9平方米) B 区 豪华展位人民币11800 元/个(9平方米) C 区 豪华展位人民币10800 元/个(9平方米) 标准展位: A 区 标准展位人民币9800 元/个(9平方米) B 区 标准展位人民币8800 元/个(9平方米) 注:双开口展位加收500元/个 室内光地:人民币1000 元/平方米(少18平方米) 光地展位搭建时,须另向展馆施工管理办公室支付施工场地管理费地管理费 联系我们 上海礼品展组委会 上海雅辉展览有限公司 地址:上海市漕河泾松江园区莘砖公路518号34号702室 邮编:201619 联系人:陈雅 手机:15021053867 传真:+86-21-51561778 QQ:2355889554 展会网站:http://www.cghe-expo.com/ 礼品展观众登记入口:http://register.kejan.cn/cghe/register.aspx 17th Shanghai International Gifts & Home Products Expo 2019 Time: July 10-12, 2019 Location: SNIEC-N1/N2/N3 (no. 2345, Longyang Road, Shanghai) Scale: 40,000 square meters Booth: 2000 Exhibitor: 1200 Audience: 60000 Approved by: Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce Hosted by: Shanghai Yahui Exhibition Co. Ltd. Develop east China gift market-a leading expo of gifts, promotional items and home products in east China Shanghai is the “Oriental pearl” of the world. As the largest economic, cultural and financial center in China, Shanghai is an world famous fashion capital and plays an extremely important role in China’s economic development, the successful opening of expo 2010 and the establishment of pilot free trade zone in 2013 have brought Shanghai’s economy, culture and technology to a new level. In the context of the construction of Shanghai international financial center and the coordinated development of Shanghai free trade pilot zone, the Yangtze river delta region centered on Shanghai is the central development region of China’s economy, and the gift market in this region contains huge business opportunities and unlimited development prospects. The Yangtze river delta is the region with the fastest economic development speed, the largest economic aggregate and the most potential for development, it is the largest economic zone in China, a significant international gateway of the Asia-Pacific region and an important advanced manufacturing base in the world, there are nearly 100 industrial parks whose industrial output value exceeds 10 billion yuan in the “Yangtze river delta economic circle”; More than 400 of the world’s top 500 companies have settled here; The total value of foreign capital utilization is over $150 billion, among which more than 200 are invested in Shanghai and 81 in Suzhou. The Yangtze river delta region includes Shanghai, Jiangsu province and Zhejiang province, the Yangtze river delta economic circle is the largest economic circle in China, its total economic output is equal to 20% of the national GDP, and the annual growth rate is much higher than the national average. See the trend, find new products, seek business opportunities, meet business partners Welcome to the 17th Shanghai International Gifts & Home Products Expo 2019 (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai gift expo), Shanghai gift expo is rooted in Shanghai, radiates to east China, integrates advantageous resources, deeply digs market demand, and successfully creates the leading exhibition of gifts, promotional items and home products in east China. 2019 Shanghai gift expo will gather suppliers and manufacturers of gifts, promotional items, conference gifts, welfare and business gifts, handicrafts, home products and other categories, as well as provide an efficient platform for nearly 60,000 professional visitors and buyers from gift companies, wholesalers and retailers from several provinces in east China to observe samples and discuss cooperation. The expo provides wholesalers, distributors, traditional retailers, network distributors and enterprise customers of gift channels in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and surrounding areas with products and brands from China and even overseas and selected by market, to effectively assist buyers to capture trends, draw inspiration, plan product lines, find excellent brands, creative design, strength factories and quality suppliers, establish contacts, develop cooperation and customize procurement. [Brief introduction of Shanghai new international expo center] Shanghai new international expo center (SNIEC) is located in Pudong, Shanghai, SNIEC has 17 single-storey, column-free exhibition halls with an indoor exhibition area of 200,000 square meters and an outdoor exhibition area of 100,000 square meters, about 80 well-known exhibitions are held every year, more than 3 million domestic and overseas merchants are attracted. With its advanced and practical exhibition facilities and professional service quality, it has become a major international exhibition platform to promote economic exchanges at home and abroad. Exhibits range: ■ Handicrafts ■ Promotional advertising/low price customized promotions ■ Electronics (consumer electronics, wearable products), small appliances and digital products ■ Kettle ■ Kitchenware ■ Stationery and cultural supplies ■Household articles (umbrella, kitchen, home, clothing, towel, outdoor, toys, maternal and child supplies, automobile articles) ■Intelligent technology gifts(intelligent bracelet, intelligent sweeping machine, intelligent wear, intelligent glasses, intelligent desk lamp) ■ Household articles (household articles and decorations, storage articles, household articles, soft decorating accessories) ■ Luggage, leather goods ■ Hardware & tools ■ Household appliances and kitchen appliances ■ Healthy food and seasonal food ■ Home textile ■ Sports and leisure travel articles, travel souvenirs ■ Brand products ■ Collection ■ Gift ■ Custom-made clothing ■ Clock ■ Ceramics, crystal and glass ■ Jewelry and fashion accessories ■ Packaging and paper products ■ New unique gifts, original creative category ■ Animation authorization, cartoon toys Last year’s audience situation and target buyers The 16th Shanghai international gifts, gifts and household goods exhibition 2018 has been successfully held from June 8 to 10, 2018.. The exhibition area of 30,000 square meters brought together 37,500 professional audiences, a total of 886 gift and household goods brands from 20 countries and regions participated in the exhibition, 241 domestic and overseas media and 63 Chinese and foreign journalists were attracted to report on the event. With the concept of “all-channel, all-resource and all-mode”, the expo set up a trading platform for all participants to communicate and cooperate. According to the data of last year’s buyers, the number of visitors reached 37,500, and the number of professional buyers reached over 15,000. Among them, 70% were Chinese audiences and 30% were foreign ones, among which 43.26% were gift companies, manufacturers, suppliers, importers and exporters, wholesalers, agents and retailers; Public relations planning companies, banks, insurance, securities, multinational companies, groups, advertising companies, creative design companies accounted for 15.52%, department stores, supermarkets, counters, boutiques, franchisees, gift stores accounted for 12.21%; The proportion of online shopping mall, online distribution and procurement office was 11.00%; Product designers and high-end consumers accounted for 9.20%, the business and trade offices of foreign embassies in China, purchasers from local tourism administration and scenic spots, buyers from major star-rated hotels, villas and other high-end properties and real estate developers, private clubs, high-end clubs, individual restaurants and individual stores in Shanghai accounted for 7.56%. Among them, the arrival of VIP special guests and professional VIP buyers of some terminal customers of the company visiting the expo enabled the participating gift customization suppliers to gain business opportunities to expand the cooperation of major customer orders . You can reach the following people here * Gift company, public relations planning company, advertising company, creative design company (mainly in east China) * Agents, distributors, wholesalers, retailers (mainly in east China) * Department stores, supermarkets, counters, boutiques, chain stores * Online mall, network distribution * Product designers, high-end consumer group * Major star-rated hotel buyers, villas and other high-end properties and real estate business * Shanghai private clubs, high - class clubs, individual restaurants, individual stores and so on * Embassy personnel, domestic and foreign collectors * Local tourism administration in China and scenic spot buyers * Bank, insurance, securities, decoration companies, multinational companies, group companies, hospitals, automobile 4S stores * Some company terminal customers who visit the expo Bank of China, Shanghai Volkswagen, Canon, China mobile, China Telecom, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Coca Cola, China Construction Bank, IBM, McDonald's, BMW, LG, Cofco, Kodak, Honda, Panasonic, HP, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Mitsubishi, Gome, Suning,Jingdong, Wal-mart, Amazon, etc. Booth price: [Booth price] Booth changed on a standard basis 12 square meters luxury booth RMB 17,000 / piece (12 square meters) 12 square meters standard booth RMB 13,000 / piece (12 square meters) Luxury booth: Area A luxury booth RMB 12,800 / piece (9 square meters) Area B luxury booth RMB 11,800 / piece (9 square meters) Area C luxury booth RMB 10,800 / piece (9 square meters) Standard booth: Area A standard booth RMB 9,800 / piece (9 square meters) Area B standard booth RMB 8,800 / piece (9 square meters) Note: 500 yuan for each double open booth Indoor raw space: RMB 1000 / m2 (minimum 18 m2) When set up the raw space booth, you will be required to pay the site management and space management fees to the pavilion construction management office. Contact us Shanghai Gift Expo Committee Shanghai Yahui Exhibition Co. Ltd. Address: Room 702, building 34, no. 518, Xinzhuan Road, Caohejing Songjiang Industrial Park, Shanghai Postcode: 201619 Contact: Miss Chen Ya Telephone: 15021053867 Fox: +86-21-51561778 QQ:2355889554 Expo website: http://www.cghe-expo.com/ Registration entrance for gift expo visitors: http://register.kejan.cn/cghe/register.aspx








  • 上海礼品展时间地址主办单位展位费用
  • 天下id: 63682
  • 等级: 普通会员
  • qq: 2355889554
  • 手机: 15021053867
  • 电话: 021-31571339



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